
Friday, April 11, 2014


Someone once commented on how they thought that being a Witch was cheating at life. As if we have all of the answers and can get whatever we want with the snap of our fingers. Thanks for that stupid misconception, Hollywood.

But that's not the case at all. Yes, I have tools to help me though life's tough situations (divination, meditation, etc.), and I'm better able to cope with stress than I could ever have hoped to be without Witchcraft, but that doesn't mean shit never hits the fan.

A prime example of that happens to be right now. To give you the short version of it, my very best friend of all time just ended our friendship out of nowhere because of selfishness and greed. She intentionally cost me a promotion that I desperately needed (and, in turn, my income and my family's well-being) so that she could continue an office affair without getting in trouble. She could have come to me with her situation, and we could have agreed to compete fairly for that job. Instead, she waited until after I was already offered the job, and then used that affair to slip in through the backdoor and right into my desk without my ever knowing what was going on. She then said some really mean things and boasted about her new promotion.

Well, she ended up getting caught and fired, and so did the other participant in that affair. And I am moving into that job just like I was supposed to, like nothing ever happened. Even though karma came in and dealt her the hand that she deserved, that doesn't mean the situation hurts any less. Even though it worked out in my favor in the end, my heart is still breaking over that betrayal and the loss of (what I thought was) my best friend. I still hurt for her because she just made a huge mistake and cost herself her job.

Being a Witch doesn't make things like this easier. I am still suffering from the loss of a friendship, and from self-doubt because I was obviously a bad judge of character in this case. The best I can do is try to dissolve and ground this ball of hurt and negative energy within me, and try to move on.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Garlic is my favorite go-to remedy for many things, and it always has been! When I was growing up, it was a staple in my mother's kitchen. She added it to nearly everything she made, much like many people use salt and pepper. Her response to coughs, sniffles, and sore throats was always an immediate dosage of garlic-- for everyone in the house!

My mom wasn't a witch, but she was raised in a Native American family who believed in the medicinal properties of plants. I thought she was just crazy back then, but now that I'm grown up (and a bit of an herbalist, myself!), I know that her beliefs actually had merit.

Now I'm just as enthusiastic about it as she was! Although my fiancee hates the taste of it and won't often tolerate food that contains any detectable amount, I still use it regularly in other ways!

  • Protection spells. Most of my protection spells contain garlic in one form or another, whether it be whole, minced, or powdered. It has significant protective properties, and is wonderful for warding!
  • Pest control. I always plant garlic in my garden right along with all of my veggies and herbs. It is a natural repellent for pests that I don't want on my plants, particularly aphids! I also rub garlic juice on my dogs (little bits in strategic places where I know they can't lick it off or get it in their eyes) to repel fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.
  • Medicine. Just like when I was a kid, I always ingest garlic at the first sign of a cold. It is a natural antibiotic and helps keep common colds at bay. It's also wonderful for sore throats! I mince it into hot water and gargle with it to help fight the infection during a cold.
I like it so much is because it's so easily accessible. It's usually about half a dollar for one bulb at the grocery store, and there is always an abundance. It's easy to store and keeps for long periods of time as long as it's kept dry. It's also very easy to grow at home in the garden or in pots!

Do you use garlic for any of your own magical endeavors?  How does it work for you?