
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Home

I finally have my own home!

My BF and I have been living with his mom for the past year and a half (we couldn't afford our own place because the company we both work for refused to pay us a living wage, but let's not get into that).

Anyway, I finally got a full-time position and we rented our own apartment! Now we're unpacking all of our stuff that was sitting in boxes in the garage, and rebuilding our life.

If you've ever had to move back in with a parent, then you know how hard it is, especially if you are moving in as a couple. While I'm very grateful that she gave us a place to stay while we were working through that rough time, it was really tough trying to pack our entire lives (plus our two dogs) into one little bedroom. It was also rough trying to keep quiet and to ourselves, carefully planning the times we cook, shower, and let the dogs out to potty so we don't disturb anyone else in the house.

I'm excited that we can now cook, clean, laugh, play, shower, and whatever else we want to do whenever and however we want. I'm also excited that our bed no longer doubles for our couch and our dining table!

I spent this weekend listening to music, assembling my potted patio garden, and working on my BOS. It was so nice to lay all of my research materials out on the dining table, and work for hours on my BOS without worrying about disturbing anyone else, or being disturbed. My BF certainly didn't mind, as he spent the whole weekend catching up on his Titanfall progress. Oh, sweet freedom!

Now is the time when I start working hard at the things I enjoy the most, and really getting serious about practicing again. Expect to see a ton of new and exciting witchy things posted in the near future!

Friday, May 23, 2014


Karma has been playing a huge roll in my life lately. As I shared in this post from a few weeks ago, I was majorly screwed over at work by someone who I thought was a friend. It broke my heart, and I felt betrayed and defeated. I was unjustly pushed out of a job that I needed and was in line for, and that was a huge threat to my income and my well being.

Within days, Karma swooped right in and turned things completely upside down. She was removed from the position and it was offered to me. Again. Not only that, but she is now experiencing the struggles that I would have been going through, had she succeeded in pushing me out of that promotion.

Now, make no mistake! I do not wish this on her. I know how hard it is to be working part time and to be fighting to get enough hours just to cover the costs of your food. I know how hard it is to be living with family because you can't afford your own place. I've been doing that for the past year and a half! I truly am sad that someone who I was once so close to is struggling so much.

However, I am in awe at Karma's effectiveness. She plucked that girl off her high horse and gave her a hefty dose of her own medicine. Reap what you sow and what not.

I can't help but notice that this kind of justice has been happening all around me lately. People are getting exactly what they deserve in epic ways, including me. I've never seen this happen before, it's all just been unfairness and injustice in life up until now. Those who step on toes get ahead, and the good people are held underwater by those who have no conscience.

I can't help but wonder if justices in life are now beginning to balance out because of the witchcraft I've been involved in. It certainly has changed my life. I see things differently, take a different approach to life's struggles, and strive for balance and harmony. But is that leaking out to the people around me, too?

I also wonder if the whole job fiasco is a result of the spells I've done. I have always been warned that spells performed can result in consequences that go far beyond what you imagined. Did the simple job spell that I performed (wealth sigil carved on a green candle, and a simple incantation asking for a job that suits my needs) reach so far into the situation that it knocked her completely on her ass? I sure hope not! I like to think that it's because that's what you get when you let your selfishness and greed take over and you try to hurt others. But hey, that's just me!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Solitary Witchcraft, Community, and Tumblr

Solitary witchcraft is tough. It's just you. That's it. All aloney on your owney.

Don't get me wrong, I love this path I chose. I did choose it because I have the freedom to decide what's right for me, and I can make my own decisions on what fits into my craft and what doesn't. Working with a group comes along with lots of compromises that I'm not really willing to make at this point.

However, it gets lonely. Sometimes I just want another witch to hang out with. To talk to about stuff I've learned and experienced. To learn from. Just because I don't work in a coven doesn't mean I can't have friends who are witches and still be a solitary. It's not exactly easy to find people, though. You can't really tell that someone is a witch just by looking at them when you pass in the grocery store. People don't usually walk into a room and call for a "holla" from fellow witches in the house. So how exactly are you supposed to find others?

That's why I ended up joining Tumblr. I was feeling lonely and bored and scouring the internet for something interesting to study on a witchcraft related topic. I came across something posted on Tumblr, and that's how I found out there was a bustling community of fellow witches there. So I joined.

I was met with an abundance of information that I never thought I'd find on the internet. So many people to talk to! So many opinions to consider! So many points of view to learn from! On the other hand, though, I also came across a lot of judgement and hate. Tumblr is where I first learned about "witch wars."

 But despite the bad (every community has some bad eggs and animosity here and there), I am so glad I joined that site. I have learned more from people on Tumblr than I've learned from any other sources on information I've gotten a hold of. Granted, credibility is questionable on Tumblr, but I love being exposed to so many different opinions, and having the freedom to sort through it all to find what fits in with my own beliefs.

So if you're on Tumblr, here's my profile. Come find me! I'd love to follow you!


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Simple Spell for Removing Pain

I recently started developing random episodes of severe swelling in my joints. It happens totally randomly and sometimes renders my fingers, knees, and toes totally useless. Because I currently have very restricted access to healthcare, I cannot easily get to a doctor anytime soon. So what's a desperate Witch to do in a situation like this??

Cast a spell, of course! Since this happens at random times, I needed something I could do in little time and with no tools or aides. So this is the spell I created to meet my needs.

  • Get away from distractions for a few minutes so you can concentrate. If you can, sit somewhere on the ground so you have direct contact with the earth below you. Ground and center.
  • Concentrate on the area that is causing you pain. Visualize a dense cloud of red, stagnant energy where the pain is. 
  • Get that cloud spinning. Spin it like it's a wet clump of towels in the dryer. At first they are a dense, tight block of cloth. But after a few tumbles, they start to break apart and tumble in a smooth spherical shape. That's what you want that red stagnate energy to do. Let it spin and tumble until you feel that it is all broken up and flowing smoothly in a fluid motion.
  • Next, drain that shit. Watch as the energy starts to trickle downward out of that sphere. Drain it from the sphere where your pain is, down into the earth where that energy will be neutralized. If you'd like, you may chant something while doing this that signifies your banishing of this energy. I usually say something like, "away with the pain." It's simple, and helps to put extra power into my intent.
  • Do this until all of the energy from the sphere has been drained, and repeat on other areas as necessary.
This spell has been a huge help when I get pain and don't have access to any other forms of relief (like when I'm at work and can't get away for longer than a 15 minute bathroom break). Sometimes I also feel the need to change the color of the sphere from red to blue during the process of tumbling the energy to break it up. Other times I'm in a hurry and don't bother with that step.

Another variation I sometimes use is to evaporate the energy instead of melting and draining it. I do this when I can't get direct contact with the ground. I don't like to work with grounding energy when there's concrete in my way, but that's just me. So I make use of air in this case rather than earth.

This spell has also proven useful with headaches and other minor aches and pains.