
Thursday, January 29, 2015

Witchy Problems: Forgetting You're A Witch

If you've even glanced at any given page on my blog, you'll know I'm a witch. I practice on a daily basis. I'm pretty serious about my craft, and I admit that it spills over into just about every aspect of my life. I live and breath this shit.

Well, I was pretty surprised the other night when I suddenly forgot about witchcraft. I found myself in a rather scary situation. It was the one time that witchcraft was probably the only thing I had on hand that could have helped me, and I forgot all about it.

It was Sunday night and I was home alone (which rarely ever happens). The guy upstairs was causing problems in the apartment complex again, bringing his shady friends around and making the neighbors uncomfortable with his laughably obvious drug deals. Unfortunately, I'm usually affected worse than most others because I live directly below him. The noise of his friends banging on the door at ungodly hours is easily heard from my place while I'm trying to sleep. The smoke wafting into my apartment when he smokes (really bad) weed indoors up there. Not to mention the fact that he's really mean and his negative energy pollutes this whole building.

On a Sunday night when I'm home alone and have to work the next day, I really don't feel like being kept up by loud music and showing up at work in the morning with a contact high. So I did what everyone always does when they're tired of dealing with him: I made a report to private security. Almost an hour later he came banging at my door, which has never happened before. How did he even know it was me this time? When I didn't answer (home alone and in my pajamas? Hell no!), he started yelling that I'm too scared to open the door (no shit) and that I should be scared of him. He went upstairs and kept on yelling at me through the floor almost all night long.

The truth is, I was scared! I made another report to security about his behavior, made sure the doors and windows were tightly locked, and hunkered down in bed with a pocket knife in my hand.

For 2 days, I tiptoed around.  I was scared of running into him outside, and scared that he would know I was home and come to my door again. It took me forever to finally realize that even after I had exhausted all of my other options (complaining to management and private security, and making reports to the police), there was still something I could have done.

Witchcraft! What I should have done was cleanse the energy in my apartment right away! I should have put up shields so that his heavy negativity couldn't get to me, and I should have swept his energy off of my porch and put some black salt down! I could even have used some hot foot powder to ensure that he never comes back to my door again. But instead, I turned out the lights and cowered in a corner because mundane methods weren't proving effective.

As soon as it occurred to me, I took all magical precautions to protect myself and my home. I couldn't believe I didn't think of it sooner! Normally, I would have done some serious shielding and a banishing spell, at least. Then I would have consulted my tarot cards to figure out what would be my best game plan for dealing with the situation.

But for a minute there, it's like I completely forgot that I was a witch!

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