
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Weekly Tarot 8/3/15

Weekly Tarot 8/3 Through 8/8 


The week starts off with a clean slate. The Fool indicates taking a really big chance on a mere leap of faith. This week is yours to make what you want of it. Don't hesitate when presented with the opportunity to steer things in the direction you really want them to go in. It'll come early on and you'll want to jump at it while it's hot!

As we move further toward the middle of the week, it's important that we don't keep our head too far up in the clouds. You might want to retreat to your fantasy world where everything is just the way you want it. It's good that these ideas are so prevalent, but it's important to remember that the real world is still chugging along around you. Instead of getting completely lost in your fantasies, use them to guide you in molding your reality the way you want it.

Toward the end of the week, you'll probably find that your home and/or family is in serious need of some TLC that only you can provide. Remember that being unhappy or discontented with matters of home and family can have very negative effects on other areas of your life, too. Make sure you take the time out to pour your energy and full attention into this issue so you can set it straight. Get it dealt with now.