Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Relationship Problems Tarot Spread

Valentine's Day is coming up soon, and I'm well aware that not everyone is crazy in a perfect, endless love. In fact, some of us aren't really having the greatest time where relationships are concerned. I thought now would be the perfect time to go through my BoS and drag out some of the tarot spreads I've created for sticky love situations. I'll be sharing some of my favorites over the next week or so! Here's the first one.

 Relationship Problems Tarot Spread

1. The problem- what the issue really is.
2. How you contributed- yes, you contributed to this in one way or another. This card tells you what you did.
3. How they contributed- what they did.
4. What you can do to fix it- this is what you can do to turn this around.
5. What will make it worse- try really, really hard NOT to do this.
6. Ideal outcome- this helps shed light on what kind of a compromise will be best for both (or all) of you.

This is a good one for any kind of relationship. I created this one to help me out when I was having trouble with a family member I frequently butt-heads with. Since then, I've used it a ton of times for myself, for friends, and for clients. It's proven to be one of my go-to relationship spreads! Feel free to use it for yourself. But please credit me if you share it!

PS: If you'd like me to do a Tarot reading for you using this spread, click here! :)

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