Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Misplaced Book, The Discovery Of A Lifetime

Wandering aimlessly around the bookstore, I was just trying to kill time. I wasn't really planning on buying anything because I didn't think anything could spark an interest in me considering the mood I was in. So I just browsed absentmindedly, concentrating instead on the troubles I had left behind.

I was far from home. It was one of those times when I felt an irresistible urge to get in my car and drive. So I went to visit my best friend in a little coastal town a day's drive from where my troubles resided. I knew that a couple of days with her would help me find the rejuvenation and inspiration I desperately needed, and to find myself again.

I left the literature section and took a random turn down an isle dedicated to books written on history. Not at all my thing, but I was interested for some reason. As I eyed the shelves, a book with a pink-coral cover caught my eye and I picked it up. It was "Witch Crafting" by Phillis Curott, and it was obviously in the wrong place. I put it back down and moved on.

But I couldn't forget that book. It was like an itch in a part of my mind that I couldn't reach to scratch. So I went back later that evening. I couldn't help it. I needed to. I found that book and I bought it.

Thinking it was just another fantasy novel, I waited until I returned home to crack it open. But when I finally did read it, I was shocked. It was as if the information in that book was pulled directly from the core of my soul. The values and principles of Wicca were things that I had believed in for as long as I remembered, I just never knew that there were others who saw the world the way I did!

My world was never the same after that. I bought more books and began studying Wicca and Witchcraft. I finally felt whole. I felt as though I had found a home in the world. I felt peace.

I wonder if I really did find that book on accident, or if I was led to it. It was exactly what I needed, and I found it at precisely the right time. It's funny how things work out that way. If you just follow your instincts like I did that day, the world always finds a way to bring you exactly what you need.

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