Monday, June 16, 2014

It's Time for a Change

I wake up every single morning and put on the same gross outfit. I scramble out the door to a job for which I get paid way too little to sell a product I don't give a rat's ass about. I spend my whole day kissing the asses of mindless, ignorant consumers who care about nothing except getting the best bang for their buck. They are glassy eyed, rude, and have no respect for the world around them.

My bosses constantly want more work for less pay, and nothing ever satisfies them. Every day is a new fight for equal and fair treatment.

And all this just so I can afford a home in which I spend four hours every evening. And then it's off to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow.

I can't do this anymore, pretending to care about a product that only pollutes the Earth and puts people's lives in danger, anyway. It's sucking the life out of my soul. I'm in the wrong industry, in the wrong world. I suspected it in college and it's becoming painfully more clear every single day. I don't belong here.

I want to do something that actually helps people. I want to do something that's productive, instead of contributing to an industry that is destructive (which is most industries, these days!). I want to do something that is not just a steady paycheck. I want to end my day knowing it was not wasted.

I'm not OK with this anymore. I can't do this for the rest of my life, it's not what I want my life to be. I'm posting this here as a way to announce it to the world, to hold myself accountable for doing something about it.

It's time for a change.

1 comment:

  1. It really IS difficult to find a job that is not soul-sucking. I wish you good luck in your search! Sometimes, a job must just be a job and we can only define ourselves in other aspects of life---but there is certainly nothing wrong with looking for the better part of it before responsibilities like children take away some of the liberty to search!
