Tuesday, May 27, 2014

My Home

I finally have my own home!

My BF and I have been living with his mom for the past year and a half (we couldn't afford our own place because the company we both work for refused to pay us a living wage, but let's not get into that).

Anyway, I finally got a full-time position and we rented our own apartment! Now we're unpacking all of our stuff that was sitting in boxes in the garage, and rebuilding our life.

If you've ever had to move back in with a parent, then you know how hard it is, especially if you are moving in as a couple. While I'm very grateful that she gave us a place to stay while we were working through that rough time, it was really tough trying to pack our entire lives (plus our two dogs) into one little bedroom. It was also rough trying to keep quiet and to ourselves, carefully planning the times we cook, shower, and let the dogs out to potty so we don't disturb anyone else in the house.

I'm excited that we can now cook, clean, laugh, play, shower, and whatever else we want to do whenever and however we want. I'm also excited that our bed no longer doubles for our couch and our dining table!

I spent this weekend listening to music, assembling my potted patio garden, and working on my BOS. It was so nice to lay all of my research materials out on the dining table, and work for hours on my BOS without worrying about disturbing anyone else, or being disturbed. My BF certainly didn't mind, as he spent the whole weekend catching up on his Titanfall progress. Oh, sweet freedom!

Now is the time when I start working hard at the things I enjoy the most, and really getting serious about practicing again. Expect to see a ton of new and exciting witchy things posted in the near future!


  1. Congratulations! Having your own space is both giddy and responsibility on steroids, eh? Our grown son has been back here since being medical'd out of the military in 2006. Luckily, we have two buildings and this year, in fact, are making some improvements in the smaller one that he and his Beloved will inhabit when the work is complete.

    May your new home be merry!

  2. Thank you so much! I wish your son the best! I know how excited he must be!
