Friday, May 16, 2014

Solitary Witchcraft, Community, and Tumblr

Solitary witchcraft is tough. It's just you. That's it. All aloney on your owney.

Don't get me wrong, I love this path I chose. I did choose it because I have the freedom to decide what's right for me, and I can make my own decisions on what fits into my craft and what doesn't. Working with a group comes along with lots of compromises that I'm not really willing to make at this point.

However, it gets lonely. Sometimes I just want another witch to hang out with. To talk to about stuff I've learned and experienced. To learn from. Just because I don't work in a coven doesn't mean I can't have friends who are witches and still be a solitary. It's not exactly easy to find people, though. You can't really tell that someone is a witch just by looking at them when you pass in the grocery store. People don't usually walk into a room and call for a "holla" from fellow witches in the house. So how exactly are you supposed to find others?

That's why I ended up joining Tumblr. I was feeling lonely and bored and scouring the internet for something interesting to study on a witchcraft related topic. I came across something posted on Tumblr, and that's how I found out there was a bustling community of fellow witches there. So I joined.

I was met with an abundance of information that I never thought I'd find on the internet. So many people to talk to! So many opinions to consider! So many points of view to learn from! On the other hand, though, I also came across a lot of judgement and hate. Tumblr is where I first learned about "witch wars."

 But despite the bad (every community has some bad eggs and animosity here and there), I am so glad I joined that site. I have learned more from people on Tumblr than I've learned from any other sources on information I've gotten a hold of. Granted, credibility is questionable on Tumblr, but I love being exposed to so many different opinions, and having the freedom to sort through it all to find what fits in with my own beliefs.

So if you're on Tumblr, here's my profile. Come find me! I'd love to follow you!


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