Friday, June 27, 2014


Magic. What is it, anyway?

Someone recently asked me this question. I have to admit, I was pretty stumped for a while. How do you explain something like that? How do you put it all into words and sum it up in a way that it can be easily understood?

It's not an easy thing to do right off the bat. To be honest, everyone you ask is probably going to give you a different answer, based on what magic means to them and their personal experiences with it. In fact, after a solid look at all of my journal entries on this matter, I realized that my own ideas of what magic is have changed over many years. I'll do my best here to explain it based on what I've learned and my own personal understanding.

Essentially, magic is energy. Energy is everywhere in one form or another. It's in you and it's in the tree in your backyard. It's in the wind and it's in the sea. It's deep inside the earth and it's in the sun. Energy is everything and nothing would exist without it.

So why is it magic? Well, when you "do magic," you connect your energy with the energy around you. You are using it and manipulating it. That energy is there and readily available for anyone and everyone. But sadly, most people don't realize that. Most people live their entire lives completely unaware of this concept, or believing it to be a supernatural fairytale or hoax. When one opens their mind and learns to work with those energies, that is magic.

Some might wonder what the point is. Why would anyone bother learning to connect with energies around them? All that time and effort, and for what? Well, first of all, learning to connect with the world around you puts you back in touch with yourself. You are essentially the same as every other living thing on the planet and once you realize that, you will be more likely to work with the world around you rather than against it. This creates and indescribable sense of peace.

Second, learning to manipulate energy helps to get shit done! There is immense power in intent, and learning to control and direct your intentions in the right ways can help you accomplish things you never thought were possible.

I do magic of some sort every single day. Some days it's as simple as sitting under a tree and listening to what it has to teach me. Other days I might need to do a spell and muster up enough energy and intent to get things moving in the direction I need them to. It's all magic.

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